I'm New

Golden Valley Lutheran Church is a welcoming community.

Whether you’ve never been to church or it’s just been a while, we’ve created a space that is engaging and safe for you to explore your faith. Come as you are: jeans, suit, or dress; casual or dressy. “The Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Services are informal, welcoming, family-orientated and typically an hour. Join us in the Sanctuary (handicap accessible with comfortable pews) to the right through the lobby.

When we Meet

Worship Service

10:00 am in the Sanctuary or watch on-line on Facebook.

Family Education Hour

 9:00 am Sunday School and Adult Classes. Join us as we teach and learn together.
(Labor Day-Memorial Day)

Communion/The Lord's Supper

Services contain Scripture, prayers, uplifting music and relevant messages for daily living. Communion/The Lord’s Supper is celebrated each week.

Children's Message

A special Children’s Message is presented on many Sundays – a fun, engaging time where kids gather at the front of the Sanctuary to hear the day’s message in a presentation just for them.


Children are always welcome in worship services.  A free Nursery (for infants through pre-school age) with caring, trained staff is available for children that need more activity (no need to sign up ahead of time, just drop in).

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.